Chorus holds auditions for Rick’s Café
Minutes before his audition for Rick’s Café, senior Hamilton Reese studies the sheet music for his song Jan. 10 in the music hall. Reese auditioned in a trio with junior Camden Collins and senior Caitlyn Dellegatto.
From Wednesday, Jan. 9 to Friday, Jan. 11, chorus students auditioned to be in the annual Rick’s Café.
Rick’s Café features students performing songs from a variety of musicals, including both comedic and dramatic numbers.
Senior Robert Bernhardt chose to sing “Tonight at Eight,” a solo from the show “She Loves Me.”
“I chose this song because the past few years I’ve auditioned a lot of serious, epic solo numbers but I wanted to do something funny for once,” Bernhardt said.
While some students chose to audition solo, some opted to perform in a duet or group.
“I feel like groups are a lot more fun and they’re better for the audience,” freshman Reagan McGary said.
Although Rick’s Café includes songs from an assortment of musicals, the show also includes group numbers from a few primary musicals. This year, those titles belong to “Les Misérables” for varsity chorale, “Wicked” for varsity girls, and “Annie” for junior varsity girls.
Rick’s Café will be performed from Feb. 14-16.