Private vs. Public School Debate
The private vs. public school debate is being settled by comparing the pros and cons of attending each school. Private schools include classmates who are familiar with one another. Public schools have more opportunities for self-growth and independence.
As someone who has experienced private and public schools, I know both have their advantages and disadvantages. I attended Christ the King from Kindergarten to eighth grade and Plant High School from freshman to senior year.
My parent chose a private school for me mainly because they wanted me to be in a religious environment growing up. They also liked the small class sizes, which meant a more personalized learning experience. However, when I came to deciding which High School to attend after eighth grade, they let me choose.
I chose Plant because I wanted to meet new people, and there were more opportunities at this school versus the Academy of the Holy Names, which was my other option. Overall, I think I made the right decision in choosing Plant because it has forced me to be more independent and advocate for myself when I need help.
In private school, most of my teachers were very stubborn and wanted everything done a specific way, and I never received extra credit on any of my assignments, either. Although the teaching style was stricter, there were some perks, like the school lunches that included meals from restaurants like Chick-Fil-A and Mr. Empanada.
Junior Emily Mangione said, “I like how in private school everyone is close and friends with each other, but in public school, it prepares you better for the real world and makes you branch out to meet new people.”
In public school, I like the teachers a lot better because, in my experience, they are more willing to help you, whether it is tutoring you before school or giving you extra credit to help boost your grade in their class.