High schoolers form club to fight cancer

High Schoolers Against Cancer, or HAC, is a club affiliated with the American Cancer Society with the goal of raising cancer awareness and supporting the search for a cure. Founded last year by seniors Ellie Edwards, Gilly Minnehan, Jessie Dominici, and Olivia Morris, the chapter is one of Plant’s newest clubs and has already found popularity among students dedicated to the fight against cancer.

“We went to ACS [American Cancer Society] to talk to a rep and she gave us the layout for High Schools Against Cancer. We then established roles, found a sponsor, and took our idea to Mellnick over the summer of 2015, and she put us on the waiting list,” Edwards said, concerning their foundation process.

The originators of the chapter worked through the administration in order to obtain approval and begin accepting applications from other students. In order to achieve the popularity received within their first year, they began to spread the word as soon as they could.

“We created social media accounts and started spreading awareness before we got approved so when we got approved we would be prepared and people would have an idea about us.” Edwards said.

As social media helped spread the word, the club was eventually approved and the founders were able to start off with a bang. Participating in events such as Relay for Life and cancer walks, HAC is open to any Plant students wishing to join and means to give them opportunities to do their part in aiding against cancer.

“Volunteering and participation is a huge part of our club, so when you sign up, please keep that in mind.” Edwards said.

The creation of a High Schoolers Against Cancer at Plant was also routed in a personal relationship with the disease, causing the founders to want to widen the reach of the club’s mission and allow fellow students to participate in activities beneficial to those suffering.

“I personally am a cancer survivor and a lot of my friends have lost parents or siblings to it, so I want to give back to those who gave to me and my family in our time of need.” said Edwards of her personal struggle.

Club sponsor Molly Marks also experiences her own involvement with cancer, prompting her to give her support once the founders came to her and asked for her backing.

“Cancer runs in my family so it is important to me,” Marks said, of her personal relationship to the club.