Back to School: A Collection of First Day Coverage
As students enter school on the first day, teachers stand in front of the school and cheer for their return. The clap-in was arranged right outside the bus drop off to welcome the early arrivers.
Bright & Early: First day creates expectations for school year
by Alexis Perno
Both the half-asleep and wide awake entered for the first day back at school. Although some may say it was an all-too-short summer, the new year has just begun.
“My favorite thing about today was in JROTC. Master Sergeant said I was interesting because of my response to an activity we did,” Sophie Stone freshman said.
However, Stone was disappointed at lunch. “[My least favorite] was the long lunch line which took 40 minutes to get some food.”
Despite the hindering lines, Stone is an aspiring artist and is excited for her Art class.
“I’m looking forward to participating in Art class because art is something I treasure and love doing,” Stone said.
Electives also had an impact on the day, often a stepping stone for future careers and college majors.
“My electives are Team Sports 2 and Weight training. Outside of school I am an MMA Fighter, and I also compete in power lifting competitions, so I needed those two electives to keep me in shape,” Mika Martin Pollard senior said. “I plan on being a nutritionist in the future, also combined with being a personal trainer, so that also goes with wellness and fitness.”
Changes in classes for the new school year aren’t all perceived as enjoyable.
“I’ve heard that the workload for classes, especially AP World [History], is more than last year,” Katherine Edgar sophomore said.
Teachers can also add an excitement to school year expectations made on the first day.
“With all the after school stuff it can get a little hectic, but hopefully it won’t be too bad. I’m most looking forward to AP Art History because I’ve heard really good things about it,” Edgar said. “Every kid that I have talked to who has taken it has always had a super positive experience with [the class]. Also, I just got really good vibes from the teacher, especially today.”
Some students used today to catch up with friends.
“Even though summer was super fun, it was nice to be back hanging out with [my friends] at school,” Ben Davis junior said. “My least favorite thing was finding out how much work was in my AP classes, and finding out that I have two quizzes on the second day of school, but I think I’m ready for the challenge of junior year, even though it will probably be pretty hard. I’m kind of looking forward to being intimidated. This is my first time taking more than one AP class, so I’m really excited to be challenged. I know that there’s going to be a large work load for those classes, but I think it’s all going to be really interesting.”
Teachers welcome bus riders with clap-in
by Alissa Mellman
Seniors, freshmen share first day experiences
by Chad Mendez
First days presents multiple hair style options
By Kai Alexander & Mia Collado
Senior Sunrise: Dressed up seniors gather early in the lot
Photos by Tegan Fanin
New On the Block: Educators added to multiple departments
Compiled by Chloe-Amelie Aikman & Riley Schofner