Good Morning Panthers
Morning show enacts changes
Recording for the day’s morning show, senior John Watson reports the daily news.
The morning show is back on air and arrives with new changes for the 2017-2018 school year.
“The biggest thing for us this year is that we’re shifting our focus not so much on national news…but really honing in on all the great things that happen at Plant,” TV Production teacher Greg Meyer said.
Greg Meyer is a first-year teacher at the school. In addition to teaching all TV related classes, he also oversees the production of the morning show.
Within the classroom, students produce the content of the show, while also learning how to properly utilize software and tech.
“We film it and we splice it all together,” senior Daniel Curtis said.
In contrast to last year, more students will also participate in the creation of the show, and in turn, receive more screen time of their own.
“We’re involving TV 2 a lot more…so you’ll see a lot more juniors and sophomores on the morning show giving out announcements,” junior Jack Trigg said.
Aside from revamping the overall theme of the show’s content, there is a new time limit to the show. Morning show staffers now have to work with merely five minutes of screen time, a decrease from last year’s limit of ten minutes.
“Since we have less time it’s kind of hard to fit all of our content and still do what we want…in only five minutes,” senior Isak Belmarez said.
Staffers also shared their favorite parts of being on the morning show.
“I’m most excited about all the people in the morning show because I know most of them,” sophomore Alex Munson said.
In addition, as with all projects, it’s a remarkable experience to see the finished product.
“[It’s exciting] when people see you on TV every day,” freshman Denali Duncan said.
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