Football team unveils new theme
Backpedaling during practice, senior cornerback Elijah Cook prepares for the upcoming game. The varsity football team will face Armwood High School Friday, August 23 at 7:30 p.m.
Most high school students learn that DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, but to the football team DNA has a second meaning: Dignity Navigates Ascendance.
“Our program has kind of created its own persona and its own evolution,” head coach Robert Weiner said. “But you don’t want it to be that way, because greatness requires work. You have to not only be constantly reinventing yourself, but you have to constantly make sure that your players are recognizing what the essence is of what you are.”
In order to touch on the essence of the program, Weiner created a theme that is meant to make players question who they are as a team.
“To have our Dignity Navigate our Ascendance, we have to know what it is that we’re made up of at a chromosomal level,” Weiner said. “Who are we? What is Plant football? What makes Plant football special? What makes it unique? And then, were able to do the work that allows that to happen.”
In his 16 years at Plant, Weiner has given almost every year a unique theme, which takes him around six months to figure out.
“I think the most important part particularly in this theme is the knowledge of who one is or who one is trying to be at their best, is the opportunity for fulfillment of that,” Weiner said. “As coaches, all we can do is provide fertile ground for our guys to be the best they can possibly be.”
As school starts back up and summer fades into fall, the players get ready to suit up under the lights once again. In order to prepare for the upcoming season, the new theme will help unify and motivate the team.
“Your DNA is what you’re made up of,” senior quarterback Tucker Gleason said. “We have to find out pretty early on what our team is made up of, what our team’s DNA is because we have the toughest first five games that any team in the state will play.”
When you walk through the hallways or look on the practice field you see the players dressed in their new gear with the DNA logo prominent on the front of their shirts and sweatshirts.
“I like also that on the first day our shirts come out, a lot of teachers are intrigued by it,” Weiner said. “I always get a lot of questions from teachers, so yesterday I re-explained DNA to the guys so they would be able to answer those questions themselves.”
Each time the players are asked what the theme means, it gives them a chance to explain what their team’s motivation this year is.
“Your DNA is what’s inside of you, what you are born with and how can you use that to make your team better,” senior wide receiver Judah Norwood said.