New head custodian introduced to the school

Gaby Jones
Head custodian Gerardo Amedes

Q: “How did you hear about this position?” 

A: “I was looking around for this position online, and when I saw the position here, I was very excited.” 

Q: “Where are you originally from?” 

A: “I’m from Cuba, but I love it here in Tampa.” 

Q: “What type of experience did you have coming into this position?” 

A: “I’ve been in the system for 12 years. I worked at Dunbar Elementary for six months. I worked at Memorial Elementary for one year, and I was the head custodian and Oak Grove for ten years.” 

Q: “How long have you been working at Plant so far?” 

A: “I have been here for one month.” 

Q: “How do you like Plant so far?” 

A: “I love it. It is great school with nice people, good administration.” 

Q: “What do you hope to do for the school?” 

A: “I hope to maintain the great look of the school. I want to do the best I can to make everything pretty.” 

Q: “How have the kids treated you?” 

A: “The kids are good. When they walk in and see me they say hello to me. They’re very nice.” 

Q: “How did the other custodians welcome you?” 

A: “They are doing such a great job. They are working very hard for me and I appreciate the welcome.” 

Q: “What do you want students to know about you?” 

A: “I want them to know the hard work we do here for everybody. If they need help with anything, they can come to me.”