Solitude pups

How dogs make quarantine better

While quarantine can be lonely, our everyday savior from boredom is our pets. While any pet can bring a person joy, dogs have been especially helpful while stuck inside. Their energy and spirit keeps us going and are a great distraction from the harsh reality of the world. 

Audrey Taylor
While taking a nap, Ginger buries her face in the couch cushion. Ginger has been known to permanently indent cushions because she slept on the top like a cat.

 Perfect to chill with 

As we sit on the couch, dogs are the perfect company because they are an adorable distraction. Even though we wish to join them while they nap all day instead of working, we can still marvel at how adorable they are when they sleep.  

Audrey Taylor
Standing in the driveway, Ginger prepares for her walk. Ginger is spoiled so she likes to take four walks a day so her owners get lots of exercise during quarantine.

Keep us active 

Since dogs need multiple walks a day, they are the perfect excuse to get outside and get active. Walking and exercising can be hard because we can’t go to the gym. However, we are able to walk outside and a dog is the perfect reminder to get outside and get active. 

Audrey Taylor
Laying down on the couch watching The Office, Ginger curls up next to her owner. Even when her owners feel lazy, she loves to sit with them.

The best Netflix friend 

For the days that we don’t want to be super active, dogs are still the best binge watching friend. Having a dog snuggle up next to you while watching a favorite show is the best feeling and can lighten anyone’s mood.  

Audrey Taylor
Laying by the pool, Ginger relaxes in the run. Her owners wish she tolerated swimming, but she is only willing to lay glamorously by the pool.

Backyard buddy 

Sitting by the pool or playing in the grass, a dog is the best way to enjoy the fun at your own house. Hanging out with just family can get old but taking a break to play with an adorable dog can be just the fix. Sitting outside in the sun can improve people’s mood and is healthy. A playful pup is the perfect reason to get some sun. 

Audrey Taylor
Caught in the middle of a yawn, Ginger sticks her tongue out. When her owners are bored, they watch Ginger because she is bound to be making a silly face.

Even if we don’t always want to walk them or they bark all day, we still love them. If you have a dog or any pet, hug them and love them because they can help us get through this quarantine.