Election Results Q and A

Students from both sides of the political spectrum share their options on the election

With the election results being so near, yet so far, changing, flipping states, etc, senior Wynne Thomas states his opinions and reaction thus far.  

Q: What were your thoughts leading up to election day? 

A: I knew the process would be a little messed up because the electric ballots always have a “situation”. I knew it was going to be a long process, which is what it ended up being.  

Q: Were you able to vote in the election? 

A: No, I was not.  

Q: What were you feeling when Nevada was taking a while to count their votes? 

A: That something probably went wrong with the electric ballot. I wasn’t worried.  

Q: Do you think there was voter fraud? 

A: Yes, I do. It’s hard to track ballots especially when they’re saying certain people can vote. It just didn’t really make sense to me. Every couple of hours there would be a new story about a hundred thousand ballots being “found”.  

Q: Did it surprise you when Pennsylvania and Georgia flipped? 

A: No, it didn’t.  

Q: Were you expecting Florida to be red? 

A: Yes, of course. I was also expecting Tampa to be blue. 

Q: If you could compliment President-elect Biden about one thing, what would you compliment him for? 

A: Nothing.  

With the election results taking a while to come in, changing back and forth from red to blue, and flipping states, senior Hannah Cohen states her opinions and reaction thus far.  

Q: What were your thoughts leading up to election day? Were you nervous or excited? 

A: Leading up to election day, I was extremely nervous and had the news on 24/7. I spent time predicting which states would turn blue or red. It was only until the uncertainty of Nevada I became excited.  

Q: Were you able to vote in the election? 

A: No, I wish. I pre-registered to vote though.  

Q: What were you feeling when Nevada was taking a while to count their votes? 

A: I was really anxious. I stayed up until like 2 a.m. each night and fell asleep with my lights on and the news still going.  

Q: Do you think there was any voter fraud? 

A: I wouldn’t say it’s impossible because someone could have found a loophole and gotten away with it, but voter fraud is almost impossible to commit. So even if there was, it wouldn’t have been enough ballots to change the outcome of the election 

Q: Did it surprise you when Pennsylvania and Georgia flipped? 

A: I was expecting Pennsylvania to flip because to be honest, I didn’t even know it was that red of a state to begin with, but Georgia surprised me A LOT. I’m not mad about it though.  

Q: Were you expecting Florida to be red? 

A: Yes, I didn’t doubt it, but I expected the large cities to be blue because that’s usually how it goes – I was surprised at Miami-Dade though because usually they are bluer than they were this year. 

Q: If you could thank President Trump for one thing what would you thank him for? 

A: I would thank President Trump for making my passion for activism stronger.