Circus Day showcases the quirky, colorful, talented


Olivia Adkins, freshman, is accompanied by Katrina Dobrov, sophomore, to approach various staff and students. Adkins spent the entire Circus Day never speaking.

Sophomore Katrina Dobrov and freshman Olivia Adkins drifted through the cafeteria on Tuesday Sept. 30, the second day of Spirit Week. Circus Day allowed students to display their mismatched socks, temporary hair dye and animal print wardrobe in an attempt to convey their inner quirky oddity. The bands of teenage misfits paraded throughout the halls, with each passing student displaying their own variety of eccentric characteristics. Dobrov accompanied her friend as she silently crept into classrooms and built invisible barriers with her silence. As a mime, her voice is silenced, but her air of mysterious intensity evoked curiosity from the passersby in the lunch line. The severity of Adkin’s jet black suit and glazed eyes was subdued by Dobrov’s rainbow tutu and pigtails. The duo walked side-by-side throughout campus during First Lunch; their distinct contrasting appearance only permissible by the Spirit Week theme. And though the surrounding students kept their distance from the junior mime and colorful clown, they didn’t avert their stares.