Senior committee hosts blood drive
Smiling, senior committee member Silvia Farfante hands a snack to senior Maya Saste before Saste donates blood. Senior committee oversees the quarterly blood drive with OneBlood.
On Feb. 9, Plant students donated blood to the Tampa blood donation center, OneBlood. Senior committee hosts the blood drive every quarter.
“I was happy to donate blood because it has the chance to save someone’s life,” senior Bemnet Negash said. “Since we’re in a blood shortage, I know how important my donation was.”
The senior committee is in charge of running the blood drive. The more students donate, the more Plant receives in profits. This money goes toward various events for the senior class.
“The senior banquet is an event at the end of the year to commemorate everyone and their accomplishments,” senior class Vice President Lauren Clark said. “The money we got from the blood drive will help pay for that and other events.”
OneBlood takes about a pint of blood from each donor. The American Red Cross states that a pint of donated blood can help save up to three lives.
“This was my second time donating blood,” senior Emma McClung said. “It feels good to know that I am helping people and donating to a good cause.”
Find ways to donate here.