New The Lumineers album provides storytelling, emotion

Rowan O’Flanagan

The Lumineers released their new album “Brightside” in January this year. The album contains nine songs.

Indie rock band The Lumineers, made up of Wesley Schultz, lead vocalist and guitar player, and Jeremiah Fraites, percussionist and pianist, released their newest album, “Brightside,” on January 14. Read below for a song by song look at the album.  


I can’t think of a more appropriate title track. BRIGHTSIDE combines an optimistic chorus with dramatic storytelling, creating a beautiful song and setting the tone for the rest of the album.  


This song is my favorite on the album and contains my favorite line: “If the photograph doesn’t bring you back, if the final chapter isn’t ever after.” It narrates the story of a troubled love with an ache that makes the specific lyrics seem almost relatable. A.M. RADIO feels both adventurous and comforting, and I’m sure I’ll have it on repeat for a while.  


As it tells the story of a car crash Schultz and Fraites were in, WHERE WE ARE also provides a comforting chorus, telling listeners “It’ll be okay.” Despite its dramatic narrative, the song doesn’t evoke as much sadness as some of the other songs.  


With a mellow yet upbeat rhythm, this song isn’t unpleasant to listen to, but it is a little bland. The song feels somewhat repetitive, without the raw emotions or winding narratives of other Lumineers songs. I do enjoy the song and might not skip it if it was played on shuffle, but  “BIRTHDAY” is simply mediocre.  


This song speaks to a son about his troubled relationship with his family. It’s slower and a bit heartbreaking, with a predictable rhythm that ties it together.  


With its repetition of the refrain “Love was not designed for time, you were never really mine,” this song is the album’s most heart wrenching, calling to mind the grief of lost love. Schultz sings with an aching, gravelly quality. Though I can’t help but feel a little melancholy while listening to it, this song is one of my favorites on the album because of the pure emotion it expresses.  


This track feels like a response to the pandemic, and the effect it’s had on our collective lives and emotions. Schultz sings with an almost palpable longing for “What is already gone,” and the listener can’t help but empathize, remembering a simpler time and reflecting on the rollercoaster of emotions they’ve experienced.  


At under two minutes long, this song is the shortest on Brightside, and one of the most interesting. With a downbeat yet not quite sad quality, it tells the story of a fire before speaking to the unexplained “Mr. Remington.” 


Containing excerpts of all the songs, REPRISE weaves together the album and brings it to a satisfying close.