The 2000s Called- Plant Seniors Answered
On Wednesday, August 10, the new school year began at Hillsborough County, and the last year of high school for the class of 2023. To celebrate the beginning of a new year, seniors dressed up in 2000s inspired outfits following the motto “Throwback before we move on.”
On Wednesday, August 10, the new school year began at Hillsborough County. However, what does that mean for the seniors?
To name a few- college searches, standardized testing, college applications, college essays, and scholarship searches. But putting the stressful deadlines aside, there are exciting activities exclusive to seniors to look forward to; senior nights at sporting events, senior prom, senior scavenger hunt, and senior Sunrise are a couple of the anticipated events.
And on August 10, an item on the “Senior Bucket List” was checked off- Senior Sunrise. Senior Sunrise is typically a bonding activity where the class celebrates the beginning of senior year of high school together and, in many cases, dress appropriately to a theme.
The theme, voted on the Instagram class page @phsco.23, was 2000s-inspired, following the motto “Throwback before we move on.”
“I thought the theme was very appropriate since we were born in the early 2000s. It was fun to dress up and come together as a senior class and walk to class together,” senior Elyse Braddock said.
After numerous pictures, velvet tracksuits, and 2000s low-rise jeans, the senior lot emptied as the first bell rang. However, such brought nostalgic memories as the seniors walked Plants’ hallways for the last first time in four years. And as first-year students passed, they reminded the class of 2023 how they were in their shoes too.
“Don’t be afraid to branch out to more people! There are times where if I’d been just a bit bolder, I could have reached out and made friends that weren’t necessarily a part of my regular friend group. The couple of times I did decide to branch out, I had no regrets and have made some of my best friends to this say!” Senior Clara Hinsdale said.
But as the stressful deadlines pass and the year becomes slightly less intense, seniors anticipate certain activities that will make the last year of high school standout, in frequent cases, what the outcome will be of the anticipated future goals, or not surprisingly, the feeling of walking past the podium to receive the diploma- proof of the hard work, dedication, and ambition.
“On top of all the sun senior festivities like Water Wars and Senior Scavenger Hunt, I’m really looking forward to seeing where everyone is accepted for college. Everybody at Plant works super hard for their path to college so their future can be as bright as possible. I think it will be so rewarding to see all of that effort pay off in the very near future!” Senior Kate Polland said.