Narcissism: What You Need To Know

Stay aware and focused, pay attention to who you share things with, and most importantly don’t be fooled. When our parents tell us it’s a scary place, sometimes they aren’t wrong.

With social media and technology dominating every individual in the country, it seems like there is an epidemic on the horizon: narcissism. According to the National Library of Medicine, people diagnosed with NPD range from 0.5% to 5%. However, the test that determines narcissistic traits is challenging. It seems like the numbers should be significantly higher. What is narcissism? WebMD defines narcissism as an “extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them.” What isn’t commonly known is that there are multiple types of narcissism: Grandiose, Covert, Communal, and Malignant. It’s crucial to understand who is among us and to stay self-aware.   


While each narcissist has that inflated self-esteem, it’s prominent in grandiose narcissists. These individuals are aggressive, dominant, and arrogant. The main difference is that these people are loud about it. They are extroverts who thrive off the slightest bit of attention. Superiority is apparent in a grandiose narcissist. They not only want to be the best, but they also already think they’re the best.   


These are the “victims.” Covert narcissists are challenging to identify; they blend in well. They tend to be introverted, preferring to stay out of the limelight. Often, Coverts are hypersensitive to any criticism. You might notice these people constantly seeking validation, “tell me I’m this or that.” Passive aggressiveness practically radiates off these beings. Everything you say, the narcissist comments. Here’s a simple example: “Oh, is that what you’re wearing tonight? “Yeah, do you not like it?” “No, that’s not what I meant.” We can’t forget about gaslighting. Almost every kind of narcissist displays this trait.   


This is the relatively newer narcissist. The Communal prides themselves on all they contribute to society. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are utilized religiously by communal narcissists. It enables them to excessively post about missionary trips, feeding kids in third-world countries, and volunteering at nursing homes. They feed off the positive reinforcement that is received. Ironically, they contradict themselves because communal narcissists generally lack when it comes to socializing.   


This is a riveting combination of narcissism and anti-social personality disorder. These are considered the most dangerous. Jealous, calculating, superficial, charming, and aggressive are just some words that describe these narcissists. It doesn’t take much to get under their skin; malignant narcissists always listen carefully to every joke, remark, or response. If they feel like they have been humiliated or criticized, it’s game over for the other person. These individuals are regular gas lighters, twisting and turning every word. In their book, manipulating, lying, and other tactics are a means to an end.   

Unfortunately, we don’t live in a utopian society where only sunshine and rainbows exist. The real world is dark, with just as many villains as heroes. It would benefit all of us to remember that. 

http://The 4 Types of Narcissism You Need To Know