Cold Front in Florida
This weather map shows the drop in temp over the past week. Some cities are dropping by up to thirty degrees. This cold front is affecting everywhere in Florida.
Many people planned on going to the beach for spring break in Florida, but Florida had other plans. Usually, around this time of year in Florida, it gets up to the nineties, but not this year. This week has days that are low in the forties. It wouldn’t be fun to travel to Florida for spring break just for it to be cold. For us Floridians, this is considered freezing; this is probably warm for most tourists visiting.
Floridians likely canceled their beach trips while tourists took over the beaches. No one was expecting this cold front, which made it so bizarre. Those who went skiing probably returned to Florida thinking this cold was nothing. Hopefully, the weather will start warming up over the next couple of weeks; because we Floridians don’t have clothes for this type of weather.
Over spring break, there were some very high winds, which made it feel even cooler outside. After a dry winter, there were finally some rain showers over spring break—no need to worry, though, because the cold won’t last long. The cooler temperatures are following a line of storms; once they have passed, we’ll be back in sunny Florida.
The mornings have been cold lately, but it slowly gets hotter throughout the day. Temperatures are slowly creeping into the eighties in the afternoon. The cooler air should be gone within the next week but watch out for Saturday; the wind is getting up to 17mph.
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