Dexter is a crime TV show based on the life and complications of Dexter Morgan, played by Michael C. Hall, a forensic blood spatter analyst and secret serial killer. This show aired on television in September 2006 and now has eight seasons. I’ve finished this show in two weeks, and I can say that it is one of the best shows I’ve watched in a while. The show takes place in Miami, Florida, which is neat considering it’s not too far from Tampa. Dexter is a vigilante serial killer in the show who only kills under a special code. This code entails Dexter killing those who “deserve” it, typically targeting other ruthless murderers. His signatures in his murders include the use of an abundance of plastic wrap and his iconic DNA blood slide samples. As a toddler, Dexter witnessed his mother being murdered in front of him, causing him to gain the urge to kill or what he calls his “dark passenger.” Lyla Greenwood, grade 12, says, “I love the show, and I love how easily Dexter can solve what happened to all the victims of the crimes. It’s super funny, interesting and binge-worthy.”
In season one, we get introduced to Dexter’s everyday circle or what he calls his “cover life.” Debra Morgan, Dexter’s foul-mouthed sister who works for the Miami Metro Department of Homicide; Angel Batista, Vince Masuka, James Doakes, and Maria LaGuerta all are coworkers at Miami Metro, and each character has their rich development that serves as key elements to the plot of the show and certain conflicts. For instance, Sergeant Doakes and Dexter seem to have a tense relationship as he feels something is “off” with Dexter. This tension adds to a certain suspense of whether Dexter could possibly be caught as a killer.
In this season, we are introduced to a villain called “The Ice Truck Killer.” The Ice Truck Killers victims are unique in a way that they are all drained of blood, which shocks Dexter as his whole life revolves around blood. In addition, his motives seemed to be directly messaging Dexter, targeting something or some event about Dexter’s life. Every episode inched toward the revelation of this killer, and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole season. Spoiler: I loved the twist that the killer ended up being Dexter’s long-lost brother; however, I feel this particular season or plot should have been mentioned way later in the show or even in one of the last seasons. I really enjoyed the twist, but I think this season’s plot had so much more potential in the later seasons, especially after finishing the show.
I greatly recommend this show; Dexter has a creative plot, and interesting antagonists that constantly kept me in suspense. If you enjoy thrillers and can stomach crime, put this show on your watchlist.