Freshmen finish first days

Clutching their schedules and maps, they hurry through the hallways, searching anxiously for their next class. Freshmen walk through the hallways with their large backpacks and “deer-in-the-headlights” facial expressions.

The first day of school means a new schedule, new teachers and a new routine that students must become familiar with quickly. For freshmen, they have to get into this new routine as well as learn the ropes of high school.

For some students it was stressful because it was a new experience.

“There were so many people and I got lost three times,” Campbell Collins, freshman, said.

Another adjustment freshman will have to make is transitioning into harder classes.

“I like biology best, it was especially fun to have a snake in our classroom,” Davis Price, freshman, said.

Collins said her favorite class was Mr. Marr’s English class.

“I like Geometry the best because it seems like the easiest,” Michael Fitzsimmons, freshman, said.

Freshmen also are focused on the social aspect of school.

“When I walked into the first day of school, my first thought was where are my friends?” Trey Heil, freshman, said.

Heil looks forward to meeting lots of new people this year as well.

“High school is a lot like my middle school but it is a lot bigger. I didn’t get lost though because my brother helped me,” Charlotte Holman, freshman, said.