Netflix and Chill with PO’P!

 Pep O’ Plant staff wants to Netflix and chill with you! If ever in need of a good series or movie to watch on Netflix, take a look at what our all time favorites are!

Gianna Cacciatore, Web Master: I like “House of Cards” because it’s full of interesting drama. Also the perspective is cool. Like the main character, Frank, is talking to the audience throughout the show so it’s like the show is in first person.

Zoie Ashmeade, Public Relations: My favorite movie on Netflix is “Clueless” because it’s so cool how the movie is from the ’90s but it still relates to current life, plus it’s so funny!

Blair Eustace, Photographer: “House of Cards” because Kevin Spacey is my biological father.

Marjorie Fitzsimmons, Copy Editor: “Hercules” because that movie inspires me every day and has a profound impact on my life as a whole.

Emilia DiFabrizio, Copy Editor: “Clockwork Orange”, “Trainspotting”, “Enter the Void”, “Oldboy”, “Breaking Bad”, “Four Rooms”, “Paris is Burning”, “Heathers”, “Miss Representation” and “Hackers”

Sam Werner, Circulation Manager: “Vampire Diaries” because it has a great plot line!

Rachel Ferreri, Features Editor: “One Tree Hill”, I like the characters because they have interesting lives, and every episode is really suspenseful. There is good music, and the main character is attractive!

Matt Blydenburgh, Opinions Editor: My favorite shows are “Parks and Rec”, “Daredevil” and “It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia”. The movies I like are “Pulp Fiction”, “The Big Lebowski” and “The Graduate”

Allison Fig, Centerspread Editor: “Orange is the New Black” has everything you need in a show, humor, drama, character development…
“Archer” is just stupid and funny.

Darnell Henderson, Photographer: I like to watch “White Collar” on Netflix

Jacob Robinson, Sports Editor: My favorite show is “Family Guy”