7 reasons why drinking coffee is actually good for you

1. It wakes you up- Most importantly, coffee is high in caffeine, which improves focus and ability to stay alert in the morning. So drinking coffee before school may actually help a student do better on tests they have that day. 

2. It makes you happier- One study published by ’JAMA  Internal Medicine’ in 2011 showed that those who drank more coffee every day were 20 percent less likely to suffer from depression. A study done by Seoul National University found that even just the smell of coffee can improve the moods of people who are sleep-deprived.

3. It decreases your risk of Diabetes- According to Harvard Medical School, coffee contains ingredients that lower blood sugar and regular drinkers may be half as likely to develop diabetes as those who don’t drink coffee.

4. It could help you lose weight- Coffee is high in caffeine, which has been proven to raising resting metabolism rates and oxidation of fatty acids, according to authoritynutrition.com. This breakdown of body fats also makes them available as a power source, which can increase physical performance. Coffee itself is also a very low-calorie drink, without adding cream and sugar.

5. It has essential vitamins and nutrients- The average cup of coffee contains 6% of the recommended daily value for Vitamin B5, 11% for B2, 2% for B1 and B3 and 3% for Potassium and Manganese.

6. It can lower your risk of Neurodegenerative Disorders- Studies have shown that coffee drinkers tend to have a 60% lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease as non-coffee drinkers, and a 32-60% lower risk of Parkinson’s disease.

7. It can protect your liver- Government studies have shown that ingredients in coffee significantly decrease your risk of cirrhosis, especially cirrhosis associated with alcohol drinking. Regular coffee consumption was also associated with a 43% reduced chance of liver cancer.