Presidential race disappoints

The 2016 presidential election is rapidly approaching, and the current chaos is not a bright sign.
From blatantly discriminatory remarks to petty intra candidate bickering, the madness is further emphasized by the conspiracies that have arisen around Donald Trump. The idea is that he is purposefully creating a spectacle of the Republican party so that moderates are more inclined to vote for the Democrat nominee.
Other right-wing candidates have joined in conspiring as well. For instance Jeb Bush, fellow GOP candidate, tweeted, “Maybe Donald negotiated a deal with his buddy Hillary Clinton.”
The overtly ridiculous scene coming from politicians is shameful and distracting for voters, and downright manipulative to those that have fallen on their hardest times since 2007.
Frontrunner for the left is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose attempts at being hip and cool to appeal to youths is unsuccessful. She has received a reputation for being cold, yet it is difficult to see how much of the disdain for her is due to sexism.
During debates, candidates are meant to discuss issues and their plans to combat them. However, the debates have turned into popularity contests as well as finding out who can talk over each other the most.
Candidates fail to state their actual plans for improving the economy and the ever-increasing wealth gap.
According to Forbes magazine, the Walton family, heirs to the Walmart fortune, have a net worth of over 148 million dollars, while the middle class is diminishing. Race relations in the US are also unsettling. After a grand jury failed to indict anyone after the murder of unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, there were protests in the street that led to looting and violence.
The majority of candidates have failed to distinctly state realistic plans, leaving voters inclined to vote for the most charismatic person. Fortunately, platforms are available to voters online.
The worst consequence of the immaturity is the disinterest of young voters. Young people’s disinterest in politics is a dangerous resignation as election season approaches.
Any planning on not voting this November are opting out of their decision which, in actuality, is detrimental to themselves.
Everyone to research candidates and make a well-informed voting decision according to one’s own code of ethics and morals.