Hats raise money for Cancer

The American Cancer Society is an expanding nationwide voluntary organization aimed towards eliminating cancer. The organization sponsors a well known project yearly, Relay For Life, where money is raised to benefit those with cancer and looking for treatment. Zach Rendeu, Junior, lead a fundraiser called “Hats that give Back for his relay group. By donating $1, students were able to wear their favorite hats to school last Thursday.


Q: What was the whole idea with the hats?

A: We thought that it would be a good idea to attract student attention if we gave them the opportunity to wear a hat to display their concern for cancer!


Q: What impact did this have on your relay team?

A: I was part of the plant AFJROTC team and we raised over $1000 for the ACS. We appreciate the contributions made and hope to make this a renown Plant High tradition.


Q: Was the student hats day goal reached?

A: No, we wanted much more involvement and didn’t reach our intended goal of 100 hats, but next year we are hoping we will.


Q: Which hat did you choose to wear and why? Did you have a favorite hat out of the other student wearing hats?

A: I wore a pink flamingo hat which resembled breast cancer to me. My aunt suffered from this horrendous disease and survived. I wore my hat to show my pride and appreciation towards cancer research. No one hat to me was more important than another. I enjoyed seeing a variety of unique hats on all my peers.


Q: Do you have any words to people dealing with cancer or to the people who know others that are going through cancer?

A: We must work together to solve this worldwide problem and do all we can to support those searching for a cure. This must be resolved in order to protect the future citizens of the world from  having to endure the same suffering that millions endure today.