Lunches adopt overlap schedule

School will return to its previously established lunch overlap schedule tomorrow, Aug. 17, and has been greeted with mixed reviews from administrators and students.

Principal Rob Nelson attributes the change mostly to lack of space/

“A lack in accommodating space for students, as some schools such as Jefferson have large malls or cafeterias to keep students in one place during lunch, and Plant does not,” Nelson said.

The change in lunch pattern will also lead to an exact 50 minute fifth period of class time, and  an extra six minutes in seventh period to provide fair teaching time along with after school announcements.

“I’m annoyed because there is no where to sit during overlap anyway, so lunch is not longer,” senior Brooke Wasz said.

Crowds during overlap is a concern for multiple students, as remembered from last year’s lunch time.

“I don’t like overlap because it is less crowded without the overlap,” sophomore Hannah Parker said.

However, senior, Brandon Johnson, looks forward to the overlap coming again.

“I like it because students will have more time between classes,” Johnson said.

Overlap also provide the opportunity to see more people during overlap time.

“I am very happy that overlap is coming back because I get to see my friends,” freshman Tanner Heath said.

The consequences of the new lunch schedule could be popular among teachers.

” I like that classes will be more equal time wise, and period seven longer because five minutes are lost from announcements,” Social Studies teacher Graciela Van Eerde said.

Nelson does have the goal to return to back-to-back lunches, for reasons such as being conducive in severe weather situations.