Senior skip day gives students deserved break

After four years of mundane schedules and long school days, seniors deserve to take a day off for their own pleasure. This year, the class of 2017’s unofficial “senior skip day” falls on November 1.

This date was chosen as a result of Halloween falling on a Monday. By having senior skip day the following day, seniors are able to partake in Halloween festivities without having to worry about waking up early for school the next day. This is especially important to seniors, who are probably celebrating their final Halloween in their hometown this year.

For many years, senior skip day has been a beloved tradition that high school students look forward to throughout their years in school. Many parents and teachers can reminisce on their own senior skip days and the fun that they had with their friends. This gives seniors a valuable opportunity to make unforgettable memories with friends whom they may or may not be with next year.

Though some believe it is important to be present for classes and not risk an unexcused absence, the benefits vastly outweigh these setbacks. Seniors have been working hard in and out of school for years, and a break is a treat that they are more than deserving of.

An entire day off of school provides seniors with a plethora of opportunities. The most popular options are beach trips with friends or simply taking a day to rest and catch up on favorite Netflix series. Fun options like this allow students all the enjoyment and relaxation that seniors should be experiencing.

Other students are using the day to catch up on college applications, as most deadlines are rapidly approaching. This is a productive option that, while it may be less appealing, is quite necessary for many students prone to procrastination.