Why Did You Donate?

Students donate blood

Students got involved in a school sponsored a blood drive where , if eligible, may elect to donate blood. The event was an all day affair, and with all the participation, the students were able to save three lives per donation.

But why did everyone choose to donate blood?

“I decided to donate blood because I enjoy helping people who need it. It’s an easy process and since the drive was right here at school, I knew I could spare some time to do something good,” said senior, Erin Seaton.

“Because I don’t need it,” said senior, Steven Bonilla.

“I felt like it was the right thing to do and I wanted to help someone in need,” said senior, Isabella Avriett.

“I thought it would be the right thing to do,” said junior, Liam Steadman.

“It was a last minute decision. I saw some of my friends doing it and figured other people need it more than me. A few minutes of discomfort could save three live, so I’d say that’s worth it,” said senior, Hannah Patterson.

However, not everyone was able to give blood. Students under the weight requirement of 110 lbs were unable to participate, despite some wanting to. In addition, those with low iron, people who’ve recently been out of the country and sick students were turned away.

“Although I wanted to donate blood, I was not qualified to be a donor since I am sick with a cold and went to Haiti eight months ago,” said senior, Sabrina Bain.