Veteran’s Day provides students with day off


Anna Renou, senior, listens to her tour guide talk about the options for clubs at Boston University.

Each year, students are given the day off of school on November 11 to recognize Veteran’s Day and give them the chance to honor those people that served in the United States Armed Forces.

A Friday without school allows many students to spend the day doing something enjoyable that they wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to do. For some, this is a productive day full of accomplishments and for others it is more leisure-filled.

“I’m going to spend the whole day sleeping,” said Reilly Goss, sophomore.

While rest and time alone can be rejuvenating, others claim that the day should be spent with other students. This could involve a limitless amount of activities open to students and their friends.

“I’m just going to have fun and hang out with my friends,” said Michael Munkwitz, freshman.

Many private schools are not granted the day off on this day a sad fact for those students but often convenient for our own. Visiting these schools can give students the opportunity to reminisce and visit with old teachers or administrators whom they have not seen in years.

“On Veteran’s Day, I’m visiting my old middle school, Christ the King,” said Payton Covelli, freshman.

Many colleges are also open on this day, a perk for seniors looking to tour prospective schools. College visits are essential to students getting closer to graduation, and this day gives an opportunity to complete these trips without worrying about missing school and having to do makeup work.

“I’m going to be visiting and taking tours of Wellesley University and Boston College. I’ll also be sight seeing around Boston,” said Anna Renou, senior.

No matter what they are doing, all students are happy to have the day off and the opportunity to spend the day doing whatever it is they desire.