How to commit to your new year resolution

The holidays and new year is a time where people begin to reevaluate their lives and the past year. We think about what needs to be changed, what needs to be accomplished and what habits need to be broken. During the first of the year, millions of people make promises they can’t keep, and create goals they can’t achieve. Although, with the right steps and self-determination it’s possible to follow through with your new year’s resolutions.

1.Set meaningful goals

Set a goal that has meaning and will give you results. When you set a goal that shows results, it will actively motivate you through the process of achieving your goal. Make sure your goals are important to you and will benefit you in the long run. Create a goal that is worth the time and effort you put into it.

2.Record to remember

Record your goals. You need a constant reminder of what you’re working for. Keep tracking your goal through the year. Writing in diaries, creating a blog and vlogging are great ways to track your goals. Tracking your goal will help you review your progress, strengths, and weaknesses.


Find something that can motivate you. It’s important to find that one thing that can push you to the edge. When you find the thing that motivates you when you just feel like giving up, you will have a better chance at achieving your goal. Another way to get motivated is to surround yourself with successful people. You can also fin thousands of motivational videos on the internet. Find and use any tool that will motivate you.  4. Find Support

Create a support system of friends and family. Having the support from people you love makes it easier to achieve your goal. Having people that cheer for you when you are striving and help you up when you’ve fallen is important. That support system is your foundation to success because you know they will be there for you whether you fail or succeed.

5. Treat Yo’self

When hard work is put in, the results will show. Treat yourself with positive vibes and relaxation. Sometimes you have to take the time to realize you are working at yHow to commit to your new years resolution.png – OneDriveour highest potential and that you’re doing great. Treat yourself to daily affirmations that remind you that you’re working to be a better version of yourself.