Students compare state universities


Located in Florida’s state capital, Tallahassee, Florida State University is an amazing school that should be strongly considered by students debating which school to attend.

Initially, Florida State is easier to get admitted to than the University of Florida. Contrary to what many people believe, this is not an indication that UF is necessarily a “better” school. Academically, the two schools are not as different as some think, and the best way to discover which school would be best would be to research and visit specific programs. For example, FSU’s College of Music is ranked within the top 10 in the country, and their College of Criminology and Criminal Justice was ranked number 1 in ‘The Journal of Criminal Justice Education’. Their law school is also ranked very well and has a record for producing very successful graduates, when compared to the University of Florida.

UF’s low acceptance rates also means that they will have a more competitive student body. While this may seem appealing as a way for students to stay motivated, it will more likely lead to them feeling overwhelmed with the pressure to be better than all the highly intelligent students around them. Especially for students who want to be involved with more than just school and have a good time in college, this anxiety could potentially ruin their freshman year college experience, especially when considering that this would be combined with the stress of moving away from home for the first time. On the other hand, FSU has a much more relaxed atmosphere. Most Florida State students agree that while most people are very focused on their success, they are also able to be well-rounded individuals and not obsess over how well other students are doing in comparison to themselves.

Another important factor to consider when choosing the college is the campus itself. While this may seem like a trivial detail, this will be the place students spend their next four years and it’s important that they enjoy the location and scenery. FSU definitely beats UF’s mundane buildings and swampy environment. With it’s beautiful rolling hills and elegant brick buildings, students can’t help but feel at home when walking around FSU.


The biggest dilemma of seniors this year has been the college search. While out of state schools are appealing in that they give students a chance to get away and experience new cultures, they are also more expensive and mean leaving friends and family for long periods of time. The most popular decision between most students is between Florida State University and University of Florida.

For seniors entering the summer and fall term at the University of Florida, the acceptance rate was 38%. This makes Florida one of the most competitive schools in the area, a true privilege to be able to be accepted to and attend. While its academic programs are not much different from Florida State, it is the prestige of being accepted into the Gator Nation that makes the school appealing to many.

University of Florida is also appealing for its landmark places around campus. Their stadium, Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, is located in the middle of the campus with dorm buildings all around it and many options for food. The stadium is open during the week for students to use the stairs for exercise or an activity to visit with friends.

Every one of University of Florida’s programs are prestigious and will carry students far after graduation. The alumni network is one of the best in the country, which acts as a convenience for students when they move to new areas of the country and are on the hunt for jobs. Having the ability to connect with alumni easily after graduation is something that UF graduates are almost guaranteed access to.

Before graduation, students have access to resources that further their education and make them the top candidates for most jobs. For students looking to study medicine, they have Shands, which is one of a kind and provides students with volunteer opportunities as well as opportunities for internships.

They have many study abroad programs as well that take the students to a wide variety of countries around the world. It is in experiences like these that other people are able to see just how unique and one of a kind the education at the University of Florida is.