Body slams’ place in our society


Wrestling is fake. Can someone play that sad tuba from wheel of fortune?

Ok so yeah, every slob and his wife knows its fake. But what everyone seems to forget, is that’s the point! What we should be asking is what’s real in this majestic sport?

It’s not often you can watch a 300-pound Slav perform a Hell’s Bells from a turnbuckle onto an unsuspecting cowboy. And you don’t think that hurt at least a little?

It’s basically a circus, but instead of clowns we get bodybuilders doing amazing acts of athletics and aerobics.

The more ridiculous the better. Everyone gets so into their character that actual drama can occur between the actors.

It’s all a bug show, like a Shakespeare play where all the actors took steroids, gained superpowers and defied the laws of gravity itself.

Wrestling has two types of actors, Babies and Heels: The Babies the good guys, the Heels the bad guys. They take the story, or arc, of the Babies and have them follow a regular hero’s journey, but can throw in some twists.

At the end of the day, it’s all mindless fun. Watching Dwayne, “The Rock,” Johnson pull in a referee for a double rock bottom is funny.

Americans don’t even have the best leagues. WWE is nothing compared to Japan, which can have anime holographs blessing a wrestler with heroic might to over power and destroy the heel.

Or Mexico’s “Lucha Underground” where luchadores can fight for millions of dollars and summon the devil himself to Double DDT a hopeless wrestler when, as a last-ditch effort, a group of wrestlers ask Jesus to save the wrestlers and the ring from being cast into the flames of Hell, and fight the demon in the ring.

Are you laughing with these heroes or at them? Does this even matter?

Wrestling has something for everyone, whether that be the story, the spin and curls, the fun environment, or the childish banter between wrestlers – so extreme that, out of context, it makes a man seem to be a sleep deprived, coffee induced gorilla, captured in a cage and shocked with 4 volts every two minutes to stay awake.

Wrestling wouldn’t be the same without its over the top fakeness. I love this entertainment for its extreme acts of violence, and without this integral sting in the ring that is America’s history, this majestic country would be missing part of its core identity that makes us whole.