Here Lies Star Wars: Fans Reflect on latest film
Design by Jasmine Burgess
Stars Wars has been sold to the Disney corporation, which has been described by George Lucas himself in an interview with Charlie Rose as “white slavers.” What does this mean for the future of these fan favorite films and the very reality of the Stars Wars franchise in general?
“The last movie that came out, ‘The Last Jedi,’ that was just trash,” sophomore Molly Ryan said. “I can’t imagine a more unsatisfying film. I could find a fault in every single part of the movie, which was just absurd at parts and tied up every interesting cliff hanger [from The Force Awakens] in a stupid, unimportant plot line. I can’t wait for the next film, as in, I can’t give two craps to anything about this franchise again.”
“The Last Jedi,” the most recent film, was written and directed by Rian Johnson, an up and coming director, who was given the rights after J.J. Abrams had conflicts with the filming schedule.
“You see all these people who are so excited for a movie they praised in their youth and it’s like watching lambs going to slaughter,” junior Molly Menchen said. “No matter who you are, how much you love Star Wars or how hardcore you are, you’ll still be disappointed.”
The original Stars Wars trilogy of films were theater blockbusters. They pulled kids and adults alike, even creating toy lines and T.V. spinoffs.
“I don’t think it’s ever been about the movies,” freshman Gustavo Pereira said. “It’s all about money, and Star Wars is a goldmine. Disney has made so many spinoffs and toys, from the ‘Phineas and Ferb’ crossover to several movies that are planned ’til the day I die. It’s not about heart, the fans or art but a committee in a high rise trying to appeal to everyone.”
Under the Disney movie making process, most of the films have several screenwriters and the company tries to make a movie that appeals to the most audiences. “The Force Awakens” had nearly eight screenwriters who made the film.
Stars Wars follows a main trilogy, with side stories that explain backstory and other Stars Wars events in the off years.
“‘The Last Jedi’ was, well, yikes,” teacher Robert Tait said. “When Leia flew through space, why? For what purpose? … When she flew through space, I thought ‘this is when she died, this is why it looks so bad.’ I was wrong. I’ll still go see the other movies, however. ‘The Force Awakens’ and ‘Rogue One’ felt like Stars Wars movies, and I am a pretty big fan.”