Class president discusses running for student government, plans
Co-Head of Executive Board Ben Davis introduces other members of E-board Mia Fussel, Elliot Cash, Charles Hammond and Talaysha Hardy. He was elected president his first year running, after a campaign that focused on being friendly and positive with peers.
In his first year on high school student council, senior class president Ben Davis answers questions about his goals.
Why did you decide to run for senior class president?
In middle school I was part of the student government. I really liked being part of the school and being integrated in that manner. When I came here and saw how many clubs and different activities there were, I really wanted to be a part of it all, so my junior year I decided to run.
What are the main tasks that accompany the role of being senior class president?
Because I’m the head of the senior committee and co-head of the executive board of my school, I have to help plan homecoming and prom and pep rallies. Basically anything that’s not academic I have to be a part of planning in making something that would be enjoyable for the student body to be a part of.
What are some of your goals as senior class president?
My main goal is to get everyone to be more integrated into the school because even [I], while I’m walking around the school, see people every day that I haven’t recognized — even though I have been here for four years — that are in my class. The main thing that I want to do is to make it more of a cohesive community as a school.
What was your campaigning process like?
I mainly just tried to go around, smile at people, shake their hands, and then I asked them to vote for me. I really was trying to be the positive fresh face of the campaign. I wanted to spice up the election and spice up the school, make everyone laugh, make everyone happy, while also getting stuff done around the school.
How do you plan to get students involved in the school and in school functions?
The main way I’m trying to get other students involved in activities at Plant is that I really want to make things more exciting for kids, so if we are having a meeting, instead of just having the meeting at the school, I want to have the meeting at a restaurant or at a sports club, something like that, so it will be more fun. We can play games and get to know each other, as well as get matters taken care of and get the word out there for what we need to get done.
What’s your favorite thing about Plant?
My favorite thing about plant is probably the fact that we have so many clubs and sports and extracurriculars that you can get involved in. So, you really feel like you are a part of the dynamic of the school and you can get integrated really easily.
What do you want to be remembered for?
The main thing I want to be remembered for is that I literally laugh at anything. Even if it’s not a joke I laugh at it. I want people to just remember me as the guy who’s always smiling in the hallways and laughing at dumb jokes and stuff.
Will you share some fun facts about yourself?
I take a hip-hop class every week, every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. I go there and bust a move. I like to make sushi a lot; I do that at least once or twice a week with my family. I like to longboard a lot; I go on Bayshore and I longboard up and down a big sidewalk that’s really calming and peaceful. Whenever I’m really stressed I try to do that.
What advice do you offer to stay on top of school work and studying?
My biggest advice to stay on top of classwork and stuff like that is to stay organized. So, even until now I have a journal where I write everything down that I need to accomplish for that day because sometimes if I don’t write something down then I just forget.
Ari D • Oct 2, 2018 at 9:51 am
Very Cool! I hope you become President.
Ruby C • Oct 2, 2018 at 9:18 am
I think that this was a great article and added information to help me understand more.