Alexa Castellano, Editor-in-Chief
Alexa Castellano is a senior and an Editor in Chief of the Pep O’ Plant. This is her third year on staff. She will be attending the University of Florida in the fall. Alexa spends more time in the journalism room than her own bedroom and is often called mom by staff members. She joined journalism as a way to reach her goal of becoming more and more like Rory Gilmore. She is a member of Honor Council, Stand Up Committee, and various other clubs. She loves reading and writing, but math is her kryptonite. She sings obnoxiously loud to music in her car(mostly Tim McGraw and Oasis). Her favorite animal is a squirrel, and she dreads the day she hits one while driving because she will have a mental breakdown. She has a dog named Poopie (yes Poopie) and a cat named Scootie. She often makes up random words when she’s frustrated. She watches old TV shows like Gilmore Girls, Beverly Hills 90210 and One Tree Hill at an unhealthy level. She would much rather spend her days at the beach with seagulls than at school with her peers. Alexa spends her free time dancing in front of her bedroom mirror or stressing about journalism.