Teacher moves on to instruct university

Q and A with Yohanis Carrera

Lauren Azevedo
During fourth period, Spanish teacher Yohanis Carrera poses for a picture with her students at the start of class. Carrera said she showed her appreciation for her students by having a class party.

Q: How long have you been teaching at Plant? 

A: At Plant I believe it’s been five years.  

Q: When is your last day at Plant? 

A: Next week after exams after over.  

Q: What is your favorite part about teaching at Plant? 

A: The students. There’s no doubt.  

Q: What are you planning on doing after you leave? 

A: I want to teach in higher education. That’s what I’ve wanted to do ever since I’ve started teaching. I’m going to be teaching at UT.  

Q: What is the most difficult thing about teaching? 

A: The most difficult thing about teaching is the amount and loads of work that are not necessarily related to teaching.  

Q: Do you have any vivid or prominent memories you’d like to share? 

A: I have many but they’re not shareable. (laughs) 

Q: What are you going to miss most about teaching in your classes? 

A: I’m going to miss my kids. 

Q: What are you going to miss about your coworkers? 

A: My coworkers are very nice to me, especially my work husbands.   

Q: What is something you’re not going to miss? 

A: The amount of paperwork and doing a thousand things at once. I don’t like that. 

 Q: What do you think it will be like to start a new routine? 

A: That’s a challenge so I’m hoping it will be fine.  

Q: How are you feeling about leaving? 

A: It’s a mix. Its happy and sad. It’s happy because I’ll be able to do something I’ve been wanting to do since day one. It’s also sad because I’ll be leaving. I mean, it’s been 15 years within the county.  

Q: How are you going to celebrate your career at Plant? 

A: I’m getting together with my friends within the school and were going somewhere. Then next week, I have an invitation for lunch. I’m also celebrating with my students. We’re having a farewell party.