Boys lacrosse moves on to Regional Finals

Alex Gillen

Dodging his opponent, Hayden Stoltzfoos, aided his team in winning the regional semi-final match against Gulf Coast. The panthers won 24-5 and will now advance to the regional finals at Plant on Saturday at 7pm.

On April 27, the boy’s lacrosse team defeated the Gulf Coast Sharks in the Regional Semifinals. With no previous meeting, neither team knew what to expect on the field. 

After a 1-1 start, Plant Lacrosse took control of the game and accomplished a 24-5 win over the Sharks. 

“It feels great to move onto Regional Finals,” senior Graham Gataky said. “Our team has been working hard this year, from waking up for 6:15 practices to riding four-hour bus trips to play tough competition. Regional finals is another step toward our goal of a ring, so being here gives us a chance to cash out big.”

Boys Lacrosse went this far last year and were defeated in the State Semifinals. As States come closer and closer into view, the boys are ready to take on their last games of the season.

“It’s one of the first years where I feel very confident going into it,” junior Nate Thomas said. “This is by far one of the best teams I’ve been on in my three years here, and we are now on a hot streak. I feel everyone, and everything is just clicking, so we should be able to make a run to the state title.”

Senior Anthony Longo had a five-goal, one-assist performance against Gulf Coast and has continuously been one of Plant’s top scorers throughout the season.

“Our team’s dynamic has really changed over the years, and now everyone plays a huge role in our offense and defense,” Longo said. “With Coach Julian coordinating the defense and Coach Knust coordinating the offense, our team has really come together, making us top tier. This year my main motivation is chasing a ring for my senior year; this is the last chance, and I think it’s really pushing all of the seniors.”

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