Pep O’ Plant needs love from readers

Supporting school paper can be easier than most think

Pouring through the distinctive smelling, old and slightly crusty Pep O’ Plants of the 1950s will lead to interesting article finds; gossip columns and extensive re- porting on – now nearly extinct – Hillsborough football rivalries competing in games at Dad’s Stadium, miscellaneous columns consisting of inches of gibberish, the quickly-typed, last resort work of a writer on deadline for a then 30-year-old publication.

One news article of particular interest gave an insight into the way the student-run newspaper was perceived immediately after the end of the 40s.

The news article describes what students once thought of the Pep O’ Plant: a privilege, something that they felt gave unique insight into the daily lives of the typical student.The article described how homerooms used to contribute money for the up-keeping of the Pep O’ Plant. The winning homeroom would receive various gifts and prizes.

Meanwhile, today’s papers are rejected by the general population of the school, recycled the mo- ment they are delivered to indi- vidual classrooms.

The 50s had homerooms paying for a semester’s worth of publications, and while financial contributions to the paper are helpful, the general support and readership would be much more appreciated.

Sixty years ago, students showed interest in the publishing of their school newspaper, a place where news of club gatherings, dance gossip and sports updates gave students something that could increase school spirit. Yet, the modern issues receive minimal attention from the student body, as most papers end up sprawled across the hallway floors like desolate tumbleweeds.

Read it. Share your opinion. As a staff, we crave your opin- ions and interests, so we can re- port on the events going around school- events you care about. This school has become synony- mous with extracurricular partic- ipation. It is a school where there is a club or group for everyone. As a newspaper, it is our job to cover them with equal attention and devotion. Chorus recitals, football games, special events- all have been covered by student journal- ists on staff. We want opinions. This is the sole open forum for discussion.

Nowhere else in the school can you voice your opinion about your perspective on your life and experience while at our school. Email us, visit our web- site and tell us what you think is newsworthy Tell us what makes it special, or not so special. Make our current paper feel as support- ed as it did 60 years ago.

Hopefully, in the year 2075, a student looking through the archives can find this page and see the dedication of the Pep O’ Plant currently 90 years strong.